Friday, September 9, 2011

Thank God it’s Friday!

So this week has officially been a nightmare! It’s a total bummer since it started off great too. Monday was a holiday so we came home from camping at a leisurely pace, unpacked and got things ready for the week. Tuesday I was swamped at work because I am training someone to do my job for the 2 weeks I am going to be gone. I didn’t have time to eat let alone run the errands that I planned on doing that day.

Then there was Wednesday. Normally I like Wednesday because it is my mid-way point in the week. I know crunch time is about to start, but I still have enough time where I am not stressing yet. Unfortunately this last Wednesday I spent most of it in the ER at Sutter Memorial. I keep saying that I’ve spent WAY too much time in the hospital lately due to everyone getting sick or hurt around me. So what do I do…? I land myself a bed there myself. Seriously? Well after sufficiently scaring the snot out of Michael I am released, and very much alive thanks to the 6 doses of pain meds that my very kind doctor gave me. Now anyone that knows me knows I am very much against medications. I take my vitamins, but don’t take any kind of meds. Not even Advil.  I guess at some point, after being given the “cocktail” I told my boss, who kept me company all day, to shut up. What I wouldn’t have given to see myself all doped up!

With my Wednesday being so horrible you would think that my Thursday had to be better, right? Wrong. I felt horrible and didn’t want to get out of bed, but I got up and went into work anyway. Aren’t I a good employee? *pats self on the back*

So now it’s Friday and it’s our unofficial “Send-off” dinner with some of our nearest and dearest. Less than a week from now we will be boarding a SWA plane and heading down to warmer weather. Need I remind you that I live in California so that is not an easy task when it is in the 90’s outside. My goal, however, is to lay on a Florida beach before I board the cruise ship in 8 days. I don’t foresee that to be too difficult since we are getting to Miami days before the cruise even begins!

Now, back to the matters of this evening. Michael and I found this fabulous little restaurant in downtown called Kupros Bistro about a year ago. It Is in an old house and it has some of the best food I’ve ever had. A group of us are meeting there tonight for some laughs, a few drinks and of course some killer food. After that we may hit up a bar or night club depending on how the evening goes. After the week I’ve had I think I am justified in “letting my hair down a little”…don’t you think?

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