Thursday, June 28, 2012

and the award goes to...

Thanks to the beautiful Sarah I've received another blog award. How exciting is that?? I feel very loved and incredibly grateful for being nominated for this award. I've said it before, sometimes it's just the little things that make your day and finding out that she enjoys my blog was a wonderful surprise. Sarah's blog is one of my favorites and you can't help but fall in love with her new puppy Cooper. Go check her out. You won't be disappointed!!

Well, we all know there are rules attached to blog awards. What are they you ask?
  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Include a link to their site.
  3. Include the award image in your post.
  4. Give 7 random facts about yourself.
  5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.
  6. When nominating, include a link to their site.
  7. Let the other bloggers know they've been nominated.
I think I am going to run out of random facts about me at some point, so please bear with me if they are not as fun as some of the previous facts. :)

  1. As of last night, I am officially a big sister for the BBBS program in my area. I met with my little last night for the first time and I am very excited, and humbled, to have this opportunity. I can't wait to see what the future holds and couldn't sleep Tuesday night because I was soooooo excited to finally meet her. This process took over 6 months...
  2. There are no boys in my family. I have one sister and all of my blood cousins are girls. I am praying that it skips a generation, at least for one child, because I really want a little boy!
  3. I was the secretary of my school in the 5th grade. I ran against other students and won. I guess it's safe to say I've always liked being in power. :)
  4. My favorite season for clothing is winter. I don't think I could live in a place that didn't allow me to break out my boots, scarfs and big jackets.
  5. I am OBSESSED with celebrity fashion. I stalk follow a few blogs that hunt down the designers and then hunt them down on the web. Currently, I have 5 of Melissa Gorga's dresses from RHONJ and 3 pieces from Emily Maynard's wardrobe. *Yes, I know I am weird*
  6. I refuse to buy knock-offs. If it's not real I don't want it. I'd rather save my money and get the real thing. I won't ever judge you if you have a knock-off...but it just isn't for me. Haha, and I wonder why I am not good with saving money!?! :)
  7. I have had the same best friend for over 21 years. That is pretty impressive since I am only about to turn 27. I joke with her all the time that our friendship is old enough to drink.
Please check out these fantastic bloggers that I am nominating! I've nominated a few of them before and you can check that out here.

Also, don't forget that my blog sale is going live tomorrow morning. I will have a ton of new and gently used clothing items. Looking forward to it!!


  1. Awww - thanks so much girl!!! Thats so sweet of you!! :)

  2. Thanks sweetie! Glad to know you enjoy my blog!!!

  3. Yay, thanks!!! It's my very first blog award!!! :)
