Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Years Resolution Check-in

Happy March! Really, where does the time go? I feel like we were just celebrating New Years. Anyway, March is here and I saw another blogger, Jane, post an update on how she was doing with her resolutions and thought it was a great idea! With the new month starting, I thought it would be the perfect time clock my progress on the mile long list of resolutions I made back in January. If you missed it the post is here.

Every year I make a list of things I hope to accomplish, and like most people, I end up pushing them to the sidelines. I always make them with the best intentions, and try to only list things that are obtainable…but let’s face it. Life happens in the meantime. So far in 2012 there has been 3 deaths, tax season has started so HR Block is packed (my annual side job) and I have been sick twice.

Now because I am not one to make excuses, this is my check-up that I plan on doing every few months. So, let’s see how I am doing!

1)      Start saving more money.

Hmm. Well we have been able to save, but it is nowhere what I would have wanted it to be. Definitely still a work in progress!

2.) Become more organized.

This one is well on its way to being accomplished. We are redecorating, so I have managed to go through all of the closets (Goodwill loves me right now!) and have managed to get rid of a ton of old furniture/knickknacks that do not have a place. It is amazing how much crap we (I) was hording!
3.) Get toned.

Hahaha. I haven’t even come close to starting this one. With all of the major events that have happened in the last few months the gym was unfortunately the last thing on my to-do list. Note to self…Get my bottom off the sofa and start working out!
4.) To go more green and natural.

Check. With all of the redecorating I have done a ton of cleaning. Due to that, we have run out of most of our cleaning supplies. When I went to the store to restock them I managed to get almost all “Green” supplies.
5.) Give myself some more "me" time.

This, unfortunately, is another laughable one right now. I have barely had time to get a good night’s rest, let alone have “me” time. I will add this to my list of ones to work on before the next check-in.
6.) Learn to cook nicer dishes as well as easy, in a pinch, dishes.

I haven’t taken any classes yet, and that was what my goal was when I added this to the list, but I have enjoyed Pinterest meals a lot! I have found myself pinning away and a lot of them are really simple, yet very tasty, to make.

Well, I don’t think I have been doing too bad considering everything that has been happening in my life the last few months. There are a few that I definitely need to work on making more of a priority, but I would give myself a B- for what I have accomplished thus far.

How are you all doing on your list of resolutions??

1 comment:

  1. just came across your blog...sounds like you are doing still working deligently on mine!
