Anyway, the point of this linkup is similar to my Favorites Friday posts that I've done a bunch of. The only difference is you pick your top 5 things of the week. Fun or what?
1. I have been very into blogging this week (if you couldn't tell by my daily posts) and part of that was finding new bloggers to follow. Here are some of my new favorite bloggers. You should totally check them out!!
- Momentary Memories in the Life of Me is a blog I've talked about a few times now. She found me somehow and I am sooo glad that she did. I get very excited when I see she's written a new blog because I just love reading them. I totally think we could be friends if we lived in the same area!
- T is for Townsend is who I found this party though. I don't want to sound like I am sucking up since she posted about this, but she is seriously a fun blog to read!
-Girl in the Red Shoes is another newer blog I found while reading one of the more popular blogs. She just announced that her and her hubby are expecting and I am so excited to follow her journey!
-Possessionista Fashion Blog is a no brainer pick for me. I love seeing what people wear and this blog finds the answers for me. Love it!
2. My hubby's ability to make me laugh in the worst situations has been great this week! The beginning of the week I was back in the hospital and since I am married to a 5 year old (not really, but you know what I mean) I found him doing this...
3. I've been loving Ebay and Amazon, more than usual, this week. Much to my hubby's dismay I have found a ton of cute spring and summer clothes. Normally I would buy them in the store so I can try them on, but I've been researching looks from The Possessionista's blog lately and...well the rest is history. :)
4. It has been very nice to be able to get out of the house and enjoy this nice weather we've been having. Michael BBQ'd a few times and we even opened up our garage and enjoyed being social with out neighbors this last week. My dream is to live on a street where everyone knows everyone and instead of people driving into their garages and closing the doors before they even exit the car, people actually get out and socialize. Most of my street is lumped into the first category unfortunately, but we are slowly getting people to be social. It's only taken 3 years! Haha...
5. My cousin has been posting a lot about saving animals instead of buying them from breeders. No offense if you are a breeder, one of my best friends did that for a bit, but I just don't agree with it. There are so many poor animals that are put down daily because there are not enough homes for them. Seeing my cousin's posts makes me want to go save another animal, but my husband has banned me from going to the SPCA...or any form of it. Every time I walk into one, I walk out with an animal. Haha. I just can't say no to those cute little faces! I pray that one day we will live in a world that realizes this and people become more responsible with their animals.
Let me know what your 5 favorite things of this week are and go link up to the party!
I'm so glad you found this link-up! Such a fun one right?! And I agree: link-up parties are so fun!!...And I totally post twice in one day all the time! So I say go for it! Haha!! Thanks so much for the blog love!! =)