Friday, June 15, 2012

Guest Post: Schue Love Lasts Forever

Happy Friday everyone! I am beyond excited to welcome my guest blogger for the day. Most of you may know her as the mommy-to-be fashionista over at Schue Love. I love reading her blogs and I hope you will too! Enjoy!

Hey there!  I'm Natasha from Schue Love...a blog that focuses on fashion, food, decor & more!  The "more" specifically being our little bun in the oven on the way!  ;)  I'm so happy to here today...Amanda and I  have a lot in common, like our love for our pets, reading, and of course, the Bachelorette!  ;)

Since my blog is very much focused on lifestyle, I thought I would give you a quick recap on my life...particularly my love story with my husband, and how we ended up here!

My husband and I met nearly 10 years college!  I was a freshmen, fresh off the boat from Southern CA and excited about the adventure ahead at college.  He was a frat boy {Beta to be specific!} and from Tahoe of all places.  We actually met at a fraternity party {I romantic!} and it's been one wild ride ever since!

Several years later with a stint in Sacramento, he proposed and we moved to his hometown.  I never thought I would end up in Tahoe, but here I am and I love it!

We got married on August 14, 2009 in Tahoe...which was a magical day!
{You can read more about our wedding here}

Bought and renovated our first home!
{You can read more about the remodeling process here}

Welcomed Wilson, our golden retriever, into our lives.

And now we have a little boy on the way!  The last nine months have been such an adventure...and I can't believe all that we have ahead in this next chapter.  It's hard to believe that the once "frat boy" is now my best friend, husband and soon-to-be dad!  I've been documenting my pregnancy as all about it here.

Thanks so much to Amanda for having me today!

xo natasha