Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Week 27 Bumpdate

How Far Along? Photo taken @ 27 weeks 4 days.
Size of Baby P? This week my baby is measuring in similar to a head of cauliflower. I find that interesting considering I feel like I am the size of a house...
Maternity Clothes? Still a mixture.
Weight Gain? I am going to guess between 15-17 lbs. I go in on Thursday so I will know for sure then. :)
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Gender? Boy
Sleep? Still can't sleep at night, but I can take naps during the day. Not sure what the difference is, but I won't complain.
Food Cravings? Ice Cream and raspberries. yummmmm
What I Miss?  Sleep....I'll even go as far as saying sleeping on my stomach.
Symptoms? Just feeling bloated, heartburn is still here and the headaches from you know where. 
Belly Button? It's an in-betweenie. :)
Best Moment of the Week? We went out this last weekend and celebrated some of our friends graduating from multiple things. I went back to school earlier this year but have put it on the backburner the last few months. Now I am itching to go back again. Crazy notion considering my time will be spent with baby J.

1 comment:

  1. You look SO cute, and def are no where close to the size of a house ;) You are tiny and adorable! I love the name Jackson too- btw!!
