Friday, January 25, 2013

week 32 bumpdate

Well I am a few days late posting (currently 33w1d) but I figured posting my huge tummy was a good way to end the week. :)

How Far Along? Photo taken @ 32 weeks 6 days.
Size of Baby P? says Jackson is about 3.75lbs but when I saw my doctor yesterday she said that he is measuring almost 4.5lbs. Yay for chunky babies. :)
Maternity Clothes? Still a mixture.
Weight Gain? 19lbs
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Gender? He's all Boy!
Sleep? Still not sleeping well. I can't fall asleep until around midnight every night and I am up every 1-2 hours to use the restroom. 
Food Cravings? no real cravings this week...surprisingly.
What I Miss? Looking at pictures of myself and not feeling like I am huge. :)
Symptoms? Still just the acid reflex & heartburn.
Belly Button? In-betweenie. 
Best Moment of the Week? I enjoyed a spa/gambling weekend with some girlfriends over the weekend. It was so relaxing and very, very needed. Monday I had my doctors appointment and was told my baby is measuring big. It made my day since I love me some chunky babies. 

Here are a few photos from this week.
  Melissa & I after a massage & facial. :)
  Hanging with Corrinne in the hotel room.
<3 Jackson's blowing bubbles <3

Friday, January 18, 2013

invasion of baby jordans!

I am not sure if I have ever mentioned the hubs complete and total obsession with Michael Jordan shoes. Now when I saw obsession...I really do mean obsession. The past 3 Christmases he has gotten me up at 4am so we could both log onto websites to purchase their special edition shoes. I've even gone to the mall at 2am to purchase a pair for his Christmas present. Now I mention that to show how good of a girlfriend I was before I became a good wifey. :) However, it is something that I will never do again because I seriously feared for my life that night with all of the other crazies that do that!

Anyway, back to my point. I was working in the nursery today and I started to unbox all of Jackson's clothing, baby booties and shoes when I noticed a trend. Almost every single pair of shoes/baby bootie my child owns has the jumpman logo on it...and I didn't buy them! Now I knew that he was buying some baby shoes because he is getting the baby shoes that match his...but I didn't realize the extent to which this had gone because I just put all of them in the closet...

The hubs "collection" of Jordans. This doesn't include the 2 pairs I am holding hostage and the 6 that he wears often so they are in a different area of the closet. For those of you that don't want to count that, I will make it easy for you. That's 36!

Jackson's new collection which doesn't include the two orange & black (Giants colors so I approve) booties that have been ordered, the pair that the hub's mom bought him for Christmas that I just remembered about... AND the 2c pair that is also on it's way. 

What I have bought for Jackson...

You think my husband is happy we are having a baby boy so he can have a "mini me"? LOL!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Week 31 Bumpdate & Nursery Sneak Peak!

How Far Along? Photo taken @ 31 weeks 5 days.
Size of Baby P? Baby Jax is the size of a pineapple. Finally a fruit that I can actually picture in my tummy. :)
Maternity Clothes? Still a mixture.
Weight Gain? 18lbs
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Gender? He's all Boy! Jackson Grant Powell <3
Sleep? I have permanent bags under my eyes from lack of sleep and no amount of concealer can cover it...
Food Cravings? I've gone through two 12 pack boxes of fudgsicles in the last week. It's safe to say that's my newest craving.
What I Miss? Sleeping through the night.
Symptoms? Still just the acid reflex & heartburn.
Belly Button? It's an in-betweenie. I am really hoping it stays this way too so I am not complaining about the lack of change here! :)
Best Moment of the Week? We The hubs worked on the nursery this last weekend and it's almost done. Paint...check. Furniture...check. Now we just need to hang everything and I think we will be just about done. Getting sooooo excited!

A little sneak peak of the hubs working on Jackson's nursery. <3

Here is a picture of the hubs and I at the Kings game tonight. See what I mean about the permanent bags under my eyes? 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

week 29 & 30 bumpdate

I know, I know...I am a little behind on my weekly updates. Between the holidays and the other posts I wanted to get up these just kind of fell to the side. Even though I am not posting on time, I still took notes on what was changing in my pregnancy. :)
 How Far Along? Photo taken @ 29 weeks 6 days.
Size of Baby P? Baby is roughly the size of a butternut squash...or 2 1/2 lbs that get as confused as I do by the fruit/veggie comparison.
Maternity Clothes? Still a mixture.
Weight Gain? 17lbs
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Gender? He's all Boy! Jackson Grant Powell <3
Sleep? Still just a distant memory
Food Cravings? I am still craving bagels & cream cheese. I can't get enough all of a sudden.
What I Miss?  I'm not going to lie...being able to enduldge in a drink on New Years.
Symptoms? Same as last week...Acid reflex, heartburn and bloated in my feet and neck.
Belly Button? It's an in-betweenie. :)
Best Moment of the Week? My baby shower invite came in the mail this week. I am so stinking excited for it. It's going to be so cute! Also, we rang in 2013 this week and that is so exciting to me. We are officially in the same year that my baby will be born!!

How Far Along? Photo taken @ 30 weeks 5 days.
Size of Baby P? Baby is roughly 3lbs and growing! 
Maternity Clothes? Still a mixture.
Weight Gain? 17 .5 lbs
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Gender? Boy! 
Sleep? All I can say is thank the lord for naps!
Food Cravings? Basically everything I can't eat. Sushi, alcoholic drinks, prosciutto...
What I Miss?  Being able to walk around the mall without having to use the restroom every 500 ft.
Symptoms? No real change. Acid reflex, heartburn are my two big problems right now.
Belly Button? It's an in-betweenie. :)
Best Moment of the Week? I went in for my 3d/4d ultrasound this week and was able to see my little bean. He was being camera shy so we were only able to see a side profile, but it was still very cool. Being able to see full lips and little ears makes it so much more real to me. Because you know the non-stop kicking/punching doesn't make it real enough. ;-P

Friday, January 4, 2013

hello 2013...i've been waiting for you!

I hope you all had a wonderful & safe New Year! Ours was great. A friend of ours threw a little get together at her house since a bunch of us were pregnant this year and couldn't go out and partake like we normally do. To recap the night, there were 7 couples and 22 children running around. Oh yeah...we were one of the couples and baby Jackson doesn't count yet. Michael got a crash course in daycare that night. :) It was a blast though because I still got to get dressed up and ring in the New Year with some great friends.

So now that the Christmas decorations are coming down and the gifts have been handed out; I thought it was the perfect time to recap 2012 with my favorite and fail moments of the year.

My favorite moment, hands down, was finding out we were pregnant. We were able to celebrate it with friends & family and I will never forget the hub's face when he found out we were having a little boy. I still can't decide if it was pure excitement or fear because he knows what he was like as a kid. Haha.

My fail moment was realizing that I wasn't able to complete last years resolutions...and I wasn't even close. :(

I am not giving up on myself though, so I am going to log my 2013 resolutions in now. Hopefully I can change it to a favorite!

  1. Loose the baby weight (after Jackson is born of course). There really shouldn't need to be any need to explain this one...
  2. Get more organized. I figure if I put it down as a resolution enough times it has to stick eventually...right?
  3. Document, Document, Document. My dream is to document Jackson's first year the way I've documented my pregnancy. The only problem is sometimes I've fallen behind and posted things late on here. While I know that shouldn't matter in the grand scheme of things, my goal is to post updates on his life as they happen instead of weeks later. 
  4. Be more productive. I've used this pregnancy to my advantage when it came to things that I didn't want to do. While I am sure I am not the only person who's done it, I still want to get off my bum these last few weeks and get stuff done!
  5. Lay off the soda. I liked how Jessica @ LittleBabyGarvin ended her list with slowing down on a food item and figured my first resolution might benefit if I did the same. :)
Happy New Year Everyone!!