So this last Tuesday the hubs went back to work. It was so strange just not having everyone and their brother (and sister, cousin, mother & dog) here. Honestly, I didn't quite know what to do without all of the hustle and bustle. Jackson and I finally got to just hang out! Man was it nice!
As nice as it was, it was short lived because my Uncle & Aunt came into town to meet Jackson. They wanted to hit up a few of the wineries that we are members at so before I knew it I was *that mom* for the afternoon. You know the kind of mom that you swore you'd never be like...the one you commented under your breath about to your friends? I never understood why adults needed to bring their children to a winery. I just didn't understand... I mean it couldn't be that fun for them. Well now I can't judge!
Anyway, back to the point. haha. We headed over to two of the wineries that the hubs and I are members at. They enjoyed tasting and I was able to pickup two shipments of wine. Win win!
Later in the week Jackson had his 6 week check-up. He was given thumbs up in all areas and the doctor was very happy with his weight gain. While 9lbs 12oz may not be a lot to most; you have to remember that this little guy came early and under 6 lbs. He gained almost 3 whole lbs in 6 weeks. Boobie milk...does a body good. ;)

Overall our first week sans hubby went really well. I was able to figure out some sort of a "routine" least as much I can have one with a 6 week old. Jackson was able to meet some additional family members and we enjoyed tummy time much more when there wasn't an army of visitors surrounding us. :)

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