Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sunshine & Summertime!

Well tonight marks the official start of summer 2012. Normally I am not a summer girl, but this year something is different. I couldn't say what it is... but I am actually excited for summer!

I noticed this morning that there were a whole lotta summer bucket lists popping up on my feed this morning and I thought it would be fun to participate. It also reminded me that I need to update my progress on my 2012 resolutions. Anyway, here are some of my "must do" things for the next few months...

  • Go camping at least three times.
  • Host at least five BBQ's with family and friends.
  • Set-up a girls night out with some of my favs. It will include bars & heals since both of those rarely make a debut in my life lately.
  • Travel down to SD to meet baby DeCarie.
  • Declutter the house...especially the closets!
  • Take the dogs for a walk at least 4 nights a week.
  • Read three books a month.
  • Go to the beach/ river at least twice this season.
  • Save money.
  • Try at least five Pinterest recipes.
  • Get a tan!
  • Enjoy summer and relax a little.
  • Take lots & lots of pictures!
What are your summer "must do" items this year?


  1. I'll help you with the tanning and relaxing... I'm good at those two =) and we can book swap, I can help with that too... maybe we could take pictures while we tan and relax. There's like 4 on your list, we're good!

  2. Taking lots of pictures is on my list too!! And reading a lot!! Good luck with your list :)

  3. We are hoping to BBQ a lot at our place too. We finally got out yard in "working order" so we're eager to have friends/family over asap!!

    We have a lot of decluttering to do too! I've made a dent in the to-do list, but still a lot to accomplish ;)

    Oh, and I need to break out a pair of heels and hit the town with my girls too... I truly can't remember the last time I did that! yikes!!

  4. I made myself a summer bucket list earlier in the month, just for myself to make note...your post of summer goals makes me want to post mine! You've got some great ones!

  5. I made a summer bucket list too! I love all the ideas you have! Mine is a bit more kid friendly because I have a 9 year old to keep occupied but I still threw some stuff in there for me and the hubs too. Just found your blog..super cute! new follower! xo
